Portland Dahlia Society at Al’s Garden Center

Three of our club members supported Al’s Garden Center by having a club display and information booth at the garden center giving information about the Portland Dahlia Society. The event was well attended and lots of information was passed out on dahlias. Thanks Carmen, Barbara and Richard for your support.

Barbara Klubert, Carmen Moos, and Richard Blake volunteered to staff the Portland Dahlia Society table at the High Plant Society event on Thursday, February 22, at Al's Garden and Home in Sherwood. Customers stopped by to ask questions about dahlias. Our booth had many handouts, a wonderful photo board of our events in 2023. as well as some free giveaways.

 Carmen commented, "We had a fun day representing the Portland dahlia society at Al’s in Sherwood. We met so many people who loved dahlias just as much as we did. Pictured right is one of our new society members who joined that day. She was over the moon happy to grow this cutting that Barbara gave her! Sure hope to see the new faces that joined our society at the March meeting!"

 "Al's Garden & Home was thrilled to host several local garden clubs at our High Plant Society Open Greenhouse event. We love supporting plant societies and garden clubs that extend their community involvement for the love of gardening. We hope to keep the community support growing," shared Jennifer Harmon, Al's Garden and Home Marketing Director. Thanks, Barbara, Carmen, and Richard for stepping up!


Dahlia Haiku & Limericks Results for 2024


2024 Photo Contest Winners